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Boom Intelligent Welding Production Line

Boom Intelligent Welding Production Line encompasses the design and implementation of various processes related to boom structures, including boom cover plate assembly welding, boom cylinder alignment and welding, assembly alignment and welding, attachment alignment and welding, and inspection. The production line adopts advanced and efficient root welding technology, dual-wire cover welding technology, and advanced automatic alignment methods and detection equipment. The overall technological level surpasses the industry standard. It utilizes automated unmanned welding stations, automated unmanned logistics systems, automated unmanned marking technology, and specialized CNC alignment equipment, thereby reducing the number of personnel required on the production line.   Boom Intelligent Welding Production Line encompasses the design and implementation of various processes related to boom structures, including boom cover plate assembly welding, boom cylinder alignment and welding, assembly alignment and welding, attachment alignment and welding, and inspection. The production line adopts advanced and efficient root welding technology, dual-wire cover welding technology, and advanced automatic alignment methods and detection equipment. The overall technological level surpasses the industry standard. It utilizes automated unmanned welding stations, automated unmanned logistics systems, automated unmanned marking technology, and specialized CNC alignment equipment, thereby reducing the number of personnel required on the production line.  
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The scope of the design and implementation of the boom structure production line: mainly includes boom cover plate splicing and welding, assembly alignment and welding, assembly alignment and welding, attachment alignment and welding, accessory

fitting up and welding, flaw detection, etc.. The production line adopts high-efficiency bottoming welding technology, double-wire cover welding technology, and the automatic alignment method and testing equipment. The overall technological level of the process is superior to the current industry standards, automatic unmanned welding station technology, automatic unmanned logistics system , automatic unmanned marking technology, And specialized CNC alignment equipment, reducing the number of production lines.


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Address: 11th Floor, Building B4, Jiulong Lake International Enterprise Headquarters Park, No. 19 Suyuan Avenue, Jiangning District, Nanjing City, Jiangsu Province

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