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Truss Architecture Flexible Production Line

Specialized for large truss structure design, aimed at its high quality requirements, wide variety, multiple processes, large welding volume, and restricted welding positions, the pain points where traditional manual labor or automated products struggle to increase productivity and quality. Through the use of intelligent production lines combined with advanced production equipment, we achieve efficient automation, intelligence, and reduction of human involvement in the production of truss arms.  
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Truss Architecture Flexible Production Line

It is specially designed for large-scale truss structures. In view of its high quality requirements, many varieties, many processes, large welding volume, and limited welding seam positions, and what the pain point is that it is difficult fortraditional manual operations or automated products to improve production and quality. Through the use of intelligent production lines combined with advanced production equipment, the efficient, automated, intelligent, and flexible manpower line of the truss arm can be realized.

The production line includes automatic logistics such as dispenser, conveyor roller table, intelligent logistics vehicle etc, which reduces the frequent loading and unloading of workpieces on the workstation, and unnecessary waiting time and waste of

action. According to the characteristics of the truss arm, the parameterized module programming mode is adopted,which greatly reduces the programming workload of multi-specification workpieces, and realizes efficient and high-qualitywelding through high-precision laser positioning and arc tracking.

Lean manufacturing + 5G technology + visual management and control, production technology information can be directly sent to equipment and management systems for data interfaces, and materials are managed and controlled through QR codes and RFID, enabling informatization/automation/intelligence to be implemented.




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